Тезисы конференции > Доклады: заседание 4







The biophysics of water and its applications


Fulvio Bongiorno1, Ubaldo Mastromatteo², Vincenzo I. Valenzi3


1 Uniroma3 Mathematics Department

² STM  Non Conventional Technology- Fellow

3  CIFA- Bioscience Department   Telesio Galilei Academy



An increasing number of data indicates that water in the liquid state is endowed with very peculiar properties and undergoes structures which may retain in a stable manner some conformation’s information.

Physicists [4.] [6.] (and also Preparata, Del Giudice,  Trukhan, Zhadin) elaborated several theories about these structures, which deserve experimental checking. Anyway in the last century, researchers like Giorgio Piccardi, John Eccles [3.], Jacques Benveniste [2.] have come to similar conclusions based on bio-quantum-chemistry experiments. Benveniste showed that biological activity of some organic molecules can persist also at very low concentration in water, and can be registered . Some of these experiments were reproduced in three different laboratories, and results appeared in several articles, for exemple: Nature 333, 816 (1988).

Further works, Medical Hypotheses, 33-54 (2000), Biology Forum 97,  169-172 (2004), showed that molecular activity in more than 50 biochemical systems could be induced by electromagnetic signals through water solutes, and similar phenomena appear even in bacteria. The sources of the electromagnetic signals were recordings of specific biological activities.

These results suggest that electromagnetic transmission of biochemical information can be stored in the electric dipole moments of water, in close analogy to the manner in which magnetic moments store information on a computer disk. The electromagnetic transmission would enable in vivo transmissions of the specific molecular information between two functional bio-molecules.

Moreover he was able to reproduce under certain conditions the biological activity recorded from the electromagnetic signals generated in water solutions.

Recent development in Quantum Technology (SEP Analyzer, Bicom, EPFX/SCIO Methatron ecc.) seems confirmed by Benveniste in a paper on digital biology.

More recently, Luc Montagnier discovered  new phenomena:

·         Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci (2009) DOI: 10.1007/s12539-009-0036-7 :

·         Electromagnetic Signals are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences.

Moreover is described an original property of DNA: the aptitude of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions. It appears to be a resonance phenomenon triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency waves. The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria contains sequences which are able to generate such signals.

This opens the way to the development of highly sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases.

These findings may have many applications in medicine, agriculture and food industry.

At the moment, it is essential to improve  the physical and technical background inside these observations.




1.  V. I Valenzi, B. Messina:  Procedings meeting on: The role of quantum electro dinamycs in medicine. Rivista di Biologia/Biology  Forum 93 (2000) pp. 267-312.

2.  Benveniste, J., Jurgens, P., Aijssa, J. 1996. Digital  recording/ transmission of the cholinergic signal. Faseb Journal 10, A1479.

3.  Eccles J., Come l’Io controlla il suo cervello, Presentazione di M.Tiengo, Rizzoli, Milano, 1994

4.  Brian Josephson: Lone voices special: Take nobody's word for it  New Scientist magazine, December 9, 2006

5.  Ubaldo Mastromatteo: New research in Physics applied to biology. Lugano conference 27 october 2007 On Benveniste Arhives to Ludes University. Widom, Y. N. Srivastava and V. Valenzi,

6.  “The Biophysical Basis of Water Memory: Entropy, Structure and Information in Water” International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (Wiley and Sons), Published on line.May 19, 2009[DOI: 22140]






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