Тезисы конференции > Доклады: заседание 4








Hypothetical mechanism of biological effects at high dilution. Oscillating fields and intermolecular communication: Biological effects induced by high dilution results and hypotheses Sept 1991 Jacques Benveniste INSERM U2000

(note was written in Argentina during a private colloquium with Jacques Benveniste donated in August 2009 in Paris)


Graciella Salort Mendoza


Rue de Carnets, France


If the active molecules  are absent (or best present in such low number that they cannot induce a response), we have to admit that the specific effect which we detect  is of non-molecular origin. 

The physical basis of this phenomenon is at present unknown. Nonetheless, the suppressive effect of a magnetic field is compatible with a hypothesis proposed by Del Giudice and Preparata: an interaction between  the electric dipoles of water and the radiation fields of a charged molecule  interaction which generates a permanent polarization of water  which thus becomes coherent, lake a laser.

Results on the biological effects of magnetic fields are accumulating in the literature. Establishing the capacity of water (polarized?) to trigger biological effects would, alone, represent a major advance. If water have such a capacity  as agent of transmission, it is because it belongs to the immediate  environment of biological molecules (15.000 molecules of water for each protein molecule). It would appear  that during agitation, we have artificially separated the molecule from the message, carried  by the perimolecular coherent water-laser-water?. More over, this process is possible linked to the mechanism of molecular communication, until now  not elucidated. At the present time we have  no idea at all  how  molecules “find” each other inside (or outside) of cellular space which , on a molecular scale, is immense, now haw they recognize, admit  the multiple domains of a often complex molecule, that one which “fits” them, now how they reach these domains in right spatial orientation and how they “talk“  during such meetings. What is the mechanism of molecular activation? For example a most fashionable theory of activation is that of the phosphorylation   of proteins.

But what could be the structural  consequences of the presence or absences of a few atomy of phosphorous, of atomic weight 3’ or molecules of 10, 1000, 1000 kd?

The question as to the nature of the intimate mechanism (s) of molecular signalling, which are fundamental to all of biology, is not only, without response, but has not even posed.

We propose that the essential molecular function: recognition (at distance?), interaction activation, secondary and tertiary structure, and  conformational change (triggering, directing, stopping  of movement  in the new conformation….) are in fact, determinate  by electromagnetic mechanism . One,-if not the only- function of molecular structures would appear to be carrying of electric charges which generate, in the aqueous environment, a field specific  to each molecule.

The interaction between these oscillating  fields (electro-conformational coupling) would thus be responsible for the molecular signalling and energy transfer, inexplicable  by simple contact between molecules. Those exhibiting such codistance. It is there for comprensible that a minute variation in structure  of molecules (plus o moins a P, a rearrangement of an amino acid ….) which modifies even slightly  their radiating field, would allow their message to be received or not by a receptor, as in the FM wave band. Strictly structural changes, or those of net charge, cannot take into account the sensitivity and specificity of these mechanisms objectivation .

And what about those agonist/antagonist couples the respective structures of which have nothing in common.

Theoretical and experimental advances are urgently need in order to stabilish the physical bases of these mechanisms; advanced  which could lead  to the deciphering of the language of molecules, as well as to considerable progress in the comprehension  of fundamental biological activities.

Structures, that target  of traditional chemistry and molecular biology, would vanish behind the message evolutions (some would say: a paradigmatic leap) which appear in to the line  with the general  movement of the sciences, thus favouring both intellectual exchanges and fecundations.






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